deep space performance
Ars electronica festival ´23

The Tulpenmania/Domum live gaming performance is a journey into the digital worlds and soundscapes created by Rebecca Merlic and sound artist Manuel Riegler, featuring a prototype game about digital identities that exist in a future after the point of no return. Throughout the performance the audience is taken on a journey, exploring the possibilities of body data implementation and its influences on our collective body, while confronting questions on how digital transformation affects physical reality. By combining sound production with live gaming, it evokes a ship voyage of exploring the Dutch countryside of tulips, feathered and flamed by benign viruses, as relics of a past time, once planted by human bodies, corrupted swamps, invading floods and the rural Japanese landscape of Domum.
Rebecca Merlic explores the possibilities of body data implementation to create reimagined digital nature, fog and rising sea levels influenced by her real time data.